Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pullapart Horse Cupcake Cake

This month has been a very busy month for us with preparing for the arrival of our new baby, everyday living, and putting together a fun birthday celebration for our daughter. Something we 've really enjoyed is making our kids birthday cakes. It's a fun and inexpensive way to to add to their celebration and we love to see what ideas they come up with for the theme of their cake.

For this cake we kept it simple with a gluten free boxed cake mix. By no means am I a cake decorator but I find it fun trying to see what we can make. The Internet makes it fun and easy to find videos on how to decorate as well as lots of fun ideas and tips.

For this cake I googled  "horse cakes" and this was the one my daughter chose(I think she chose well!). This cake was easy to make and it's adorable.

To make this cake...

                     We used 24 cupcakes and arranged them like so...

then, we made up our frosting,
selected our colors...
and began the process of decorating!

This was our finished product!

        We also made one for our cousin who also shares the same birthday!

It turned out to be a fun family day that was easy to put together, and very special.

1 comment:

  1. I turn 40 this year and am as horse crazy as I was when I was a little kid. I'm so having this for my 40th birthday cake! Thanks!
