Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reasons I love to Line-Dry!

                                         photo credit
If you aren't already hooked on line-drying your clothes, you really ought to at least check it out! Like most things, I've heard various reasons why one should or shouldn't. One complaint I heard about using a clothes-line was the concern over people having their clothes stolen. While I suppose that could happen...I don't have designer clothes, so I'm really not concerned over that.

Here are the reasons why I use a clothes-line, and why after several years I still LOVE it!

Cost. I have figured it up several times at the constantly changing electric rates and it always surprises me. On average, I am saving around $20 a month on my electric bill, just by not using my dryer. If I were only to use this during the summer months, say 5 months, that would still save me $100 a year. In my are actually pretty low, depending on your local rates it could add up to even more.

Clothing. I have noticed that my clothes last longer because they aren't exposed to the high heat, and the colors don't fade as fast. Do be aware of dark colors that stay in the sun longer than necessary. The color can begin to can always try a spot that's a little shadier, if possible. For me it isn't, so I keep an eye on not leaving them out longer than I need to.

Stains/Smells. One of my very favorite reasons to line-dry(especially with little ones) is it's wonderful ability to remove stains that I can't get out, even with stain treatments and scrubbing. It's like a little miracle cleaner. I usually spray/treat the stain as they go into the wash and then hang the clothes on the line. Usually when I come to remove the dried clothing the stains are completely gone! It's wonderful and helps prolong the use of our clothes! It also leaves the clothes smelling wonderful. After a busy day I love going to bed to the smell of line-dried sheets.

Exercise. It gives me a little extra cardio and weight resistance workout. That weighed-down load of wet laundry and all those many steps in between the washer and clothes-line add keep me active and my muscles stronger than just tossing them into the dryer. Especially on those marathon laundry days where I am playing catch-up and racing from one end of the house to the other.

Fun Kids Job. My kids love to hang clothes on the line and usually come running over to help. For the littlest ones that means anything from handing me clothes  pins to wet socks and shirts. For the older ones it's grabbing a stool and learning how to hang clothes on the line. Just another one of those moments we can take advantage of together

It's Refreshing! There is something about being outside that I found very relaxing. The flowing of the sheets in the cool morning wind...there is something so relaxing about that. It's a great way to start the day and it's a great way to take a moment and slow down, especially when the day becomes a little crazy. There are times I just need to give myself a heart and attitude check.

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  1. oooh I would love to start line drying...suppose I need a line first! Haha stealing clothing?!? That's funny, that thought would have never crossed my mind.


    1. Yes, I thought the same thing about stealing clothes as well. Glad you got a laugh out if it! Thanks for reading my post and taking the time to comment. Hope to chat again another time!

  2. Another thing I've noticed is that I can spot things that need addressed easier like a small hole or lose button when I line dry.

    1. Sandra, great point to add...thank you! I hadn't thought of that,but it's true, you are able to pay closer attention to the care of your clothing which definately adds to the life of your clothes.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it and hope to hear back from you again!

  3. K, now you've got me sold on this idea! A couple years ago, I wanted to start hanging some of our laundry outside, but my husband didn't want to. Last week, he brought it up again and wants to start line drying. Your reasons to love line drying was just the motivation I needed to start! Thanks!

    1. I'm so glad my little post encouraged you to give it a try! I hope you(and your husband)enjoy the benefits of line-drying!

      When I first started line-drying our clothes, my husband was fine with it, but soon after I started, he was hooked! I was really surprised by just how much he loved it(and still does). The biggest thing for him was the difference line-drying made with the texture of his clothes, and also the smell. It's so fresh, and not that artifically "fresh" smell. That's funny, I had forgotten all about that until your comment.

      Thanks for stopping by and chatting! Have fun with it!
